It's been pointed out that only two nations in history have started out by dedicating themselves to Jehovah God - Israel and the United States of America. Therefore, if God was forced to judge Israel when she went "whoring after other gods" (the Bible's words), and if He "never changes", can He do any less when the US does the same?
I was reading Isa 3 this morning, and was struck by the similarity to what's happening in the US right now:
Isa 3:8-9 This will happen because Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen. They turned against the LORD. They said and did things against him, right in front of his glorious eyes. The look on their faces shows that they are guilty. They are like the people of Sodom; they don't care who sees their sin. But it will be very bad for them. They will get what they deserve.
Now, am I the only one who sees the similarity? The US has turned against the Lord, and we (as a nation) flaunt our sin in God's face. We hold parades, prancing down the street, then passing laws to protect and even promote the sin.
But notice where it says "they will get what they deserve".
Isa 3:11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.
This next verse struck me and so made me think of what we are seeing in these days:
Isa 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
"My people" - that's Believers.
"Children are their oppressors" - Children are being taught in school to tattle on their parents. I'm not talking about reporting physical and sexual abuse, I'm talking about children threatening to report their parents if the parents even dare to try and discipline their child. "I'll call CPS!"
So, from those four verses we can see a pretty good resemblance between Ancient Israel and the USA today. What does that imply for our future?
Isa 3:13-26 Look, the LORD is standing to judge his people. The LORD is ready to present his case against the elders and leaders of his people.
He says, "You people have burned the vineyard, and what you stole from the poor is still in your houses. What gives you the right to hurt my people? What gives you the right to push the faces of the poor into the dirt?" The Lord GOD All-Powerful said this.
The LORD says, "The women in Zion have become very proud. They walk around with their heads in the air, acting like they are better than other people. They flirt with their eyes and make tinkling sounds with their ankle bracelets as they take their quick little steps."
The Lord will put sores on the heads of those women in Zion. The LORD will make their heads bald. Then the Lord will take away everything they are proud of: the beautiful ankle bracelets, the necklaces that look like the sun and the moon, the earrings, bracelets, and veils, the scarves, the ankle chains, the cloth belts worn around their waists, the bottles of perfume, the charms, the signet rings, and the nose rings, the fine dresses, robes, veils, and purses, the mirrors, linen dresses, turbans, and long shawls.
Those women now have sweet-smelling perfume, but it will get moldy and stink. Now they wear belts, but then they will have only ropes to wear. Now they have their hair fixed in fancy ways, but then their heads will be shaved--they will have no hair. Now they have party dresses, but then they will have only mourning clothes. They have beauty marks on their faces now, but then they will have another mark. It will be a mark burned into their skin to show that they are slaves.
Your men will be killed with swords. Your heroes will die in war. There will be crying and sadness in the meeting places by the city gates. Jerusalem will sit there empty, like a woman who has lost everything to thieves and robbers and now just sits on the ground and cries.
Now before you begin to think that God hates women, you have to understand that in this instance the word "women" is actually the feminine form of the word that means "nation". In fact, isn't the United States often referred to as "she" ("She's a great country") or as "her" ("her brave men and women of the military").
So this is saying that the nation has become proud and haughty, mistreating the poor and needy, and flaunting her beauty and wealth. But according to this, that is going to change. The nation is going to be judged, become ugly, stinky, naked and slaves, as her men are kill and die in war.
I wonder and believe that we could be weeks or, God have mercy, even days away from seeing this.