Saturday, August 19, 2017

Where Do You Belong? Patriot, Citizen or Pilgrim?

If you were asked, "Where do you belong?" What would you answer?

Would you say, "I'm an American." Or claim citizenship in some other country? 

How about, "I'm a Texan. Born and raised!"

Now, I'm as patriotic as the next person. I love my nation (not the Government), but what this nation has been and could be again, if... I choke up at the National Anthem. It saddens me...nah, infuriates me when I see the blatant attempts to destroy this nation.

You might think that I should be patriotic and should love my nation. But you would be wrong. 


Yeah. You see, if I'm Believer, a follower of Jesus Christ, then I should no longer consider myself a citizen of any earthly nation. Several years ago, I was thinking about the future of the United States, and praying for the nation. Suddenly the Lord spoke clear in my spirit, "I know you love your country, but do you love it more than Me?"

Whoa! What? Of course not!

No specific words were spoken, but inside there was a suddenly a knowing that this nation was going to fall. Judgment was/is coming, and if I allowed myself to get caught up in defending her or pleading with God for the preservation of the Nation, then I would be praying against God.

So what is one to do when you see people tearing down monuments, trying to destroying the history of this once-proud (and there is the problem...proud) nation, and threatening the duly-elected, put-in-place-by-God, one-last-chance-for-the-nation-to-repent president? 

You pray for souls. You crank up the heat on your testifying, witnessing, and going after lost souls. This is NOT the time to sit back and "woe is me" as you watch what happens. You get into the Word, until you know beyond a shadow of a doubt what God would have you to do. 
  • Will He tell you to prepare to help others (since preparing to survive is basically a selfish thing)? 
  • Will he tell you to be one of those that picks up a weapon to defend the weak and defenseless? 
  • Will He begin to reveal to you a place of refuge where you are to head when He tells you to "Go!"? 
  • Will He tell you to speak with authority and command the demons controlling the enemy that will come against you? 
  • Will He tell you to stay even in the face of living in a sure target of a nuclear attack?
You may not be ready if you don't first adjust your thinking about where your ultimate loyalty lies. Are you a citizen of Heaven or are you going to be emotionally crippled as you watch the destruction that is even now beginning to flood this nation?

You decide. Where do you belong?

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. Heb 11:13-16

Just a thought. Years ago, I read a book by a favorite Western author. In this book the  main character entered a town and when asked his name, just said, "Passin' through." From that point on he was called "Passin'". Maybe that needs to be our attitude as Believers; we're just passin' through.

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